(meg-uh-LAH-sare-us | 'Giant Antler')
Cervidae (Laurasiatheria)

Type Species*: giganteus

* Globally extinct life form (†), only the type species is displayed

Illustration of Megalocerosby Leogon
deviantART (Leogon)
Skeleton of Megaceros
Illustration of Megaloceros
Maxi Sciences
Skeleton of Megaceros
Illustration of Megaloceros

Megaloceros Collectibles Gallery
Qty. Sets
Qty. Items

Acme Studios 1995 The Carnegie Museum of Natural History Trading Cards
American Museum of Natural History 1917 Souvenir Stamps
Avalon Hill Game Company, The 1992 Tyranno Ex Game Cards
Bowman 1950 Wildman Cards (ACC# R 701-18)
British American Tobacco 1931 Prehistoric Animals Cards
British Museum (Natural History) 'Fossil Mammal Gallery' Series Postcards
British Museum (Natural History) 1922-1978 Souvenir Postcards (G Series)
Bullyland 1990's People & Animals of the Prehistoric Times Toy Hang Tags (Blue Border)
Bullyland 1990's People & Animals of the Prehistoric Times Toy Hang Tags (Green Border)
Butterworth & Son 2015 Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Life Cards
Cadbury Bros. Ltd. 1933 More British Marvels - Stickers
Cailler 1921 Prehistoric Animals Stickers - Series XXIV
Caja de Ahorros de Asturias 1954 Álbum de Cultura y de Arte - Series 1 (Animales Prehistoricos)
Chocolat d'Aiguebelle 1905 Les Fossiles Cards
Chocolat de Guyenne c.1910 Prehistoric Animal Advertising Cards - Serie 5454
Chocolat Felix Potin c.1910 Prehistoric Animal Advertising Cards - Serie 5454
Chocolat Poulain Connaissance de la Prehistoire Stickers - Serie 27
Chocolat Poulain 1934 Paleontologie Poster Stamp Stickers
Chocolates Diaz Animales Prehistoricos
Cigarros Furgones c.1940 Cigarette Package Cards
Demaret Caramels c.1940 Prehistoric Animals Cards - Series of 25
Diamantine Tiere Aus Der Urwelt Cards
Diamantine 1917 Aus den Anfangen der Kultur
Digitcards 2010 Predators - Return of the Dinosaurs Game Cards (English Edition)
Digitcards 2010 Predators - Return of the Dinosaurs Game Cards (French Edition)
Dongkou Match Company 2000 Chinese Matchbox Labels - Extinct Animals
Dr. Thompson's Tiere Aus Der Urwelt
Edito-Service S. A. 1992 Prehistoric Animals Cards (German)
ED-U Cards 1975 Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Eigelb Tiere der Urzeit Cards (Series 112)
Euroflash Figurine Dinosaurien/Dinosauri Stickers
Euroflash Figurine 1988 Prehistoria Stickers
Fernand Nathan Animaux Prehistoriques Game Cards
FolBo Edizioni Bologna c.2001-2002 Dinosauri/Dinosaurier Stickers
Fosforera Canariense Prehistoric Animal Match Boxes
Fosforera Espanola 1976 Prehistoric Animal Matchbox Covers
Fritz Gable c.1910 Advertising Cards (Series 5454)
Gartmann 1912 Urtiere (Series 336)
Gartmann 1923 Urtiere (Series 546) - Bold Logo Font
Gelles-Widmer Company 1962 Teach-Me About Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Hobby Trading Post 1963 Toy Model Advertising Cards (Nu-Card Reprint Series)
International Master Publishers 2003 Weird n' Wild Creatures Collector Game Cards
International Master Publishers 2003 Weird n' Wild Creatures Information Cards
Izobrazitelnoye Iskusstvo 1986 Russian 'From the Depths of Time' Cards - Series 3
Izobrazitelnoye Iskusstvo 1989 Russian Prehistoric Animals Educational Cards
Jurgens 1910 Coffee Advertising Cards (Series 5454)
Kaufmann & Strauss Co. c.1910 Prehistoric Animal Poster Stamps
Librairie d'Education Nationale c.1910 Prehistoric Animal Advertising Cards - Series 5454
Liebig 1921 The Pre-historic Animals World Cards (Series f1122/s1123, Italian)
Loflund's Tiere Aus Der Urwelt Cards
Lulu Osallatok Memoria Kartya - Series 2
Luminias Encyclopedic Prehistoric Beasts Game Cards
Luminias Encyclopedic Prehistoric Beasts Game Cards - Giant Size
M & B Graphic Products 1962 Teach-Me About Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Maiasu Project 2018 Paleon Game Cards
McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1962 Prehistoric Animals I. D. Cards
McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1962 Teach-Me About Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
National Audubon Society 1959 Nature Program - Prehistoric Life Stickers
National Audubon Society 1965 Nature Program - Prehistoric Life Stickers
Nestle 1928 Animaux Prehistoriques - Series 33 B Stickers
Nestle 1928 Animaux Prehistoriques - Series 33 Stickers
Nestle 1928 Animaux Prehistoriques - Series XXXIII Stickers
Nu-Card Sales 1961 Dinosaur Series Trading Cards
Ortiz Dinosaur Stickers
Outset Media Corp. 2005 Professor Noggin's Prehistoric Mammals Game Cards - English Edition
Palmin 1904 Aus den Jagdgrunden des Urmenschen Paper Cards - Series 115
Palmin c.1932 Uuch das Kleid der Erde unterlag der Mode - Series 153
Panini 1992 Prehistoric Animals Stickers
Panini 1992-1993 Dinosaurs Stickers
Panini 2012 El Gran Album del Mundo Animal Stickers
Panter Cigars 1970 Prehistoric Animals Cigar Bands (Large Edition)
Panter Cigars 1970 Prehistoric Animals Cigar Bands (Small Edition)
Paul Wesenberg & Sohn Tiere aus der Urwelt Cards - Series 78
Pedro Soler Animales Prehistoricos
PlayEd Games, Inc. 1987 Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Reichardt Tiere der Urwelt von Wilhelm Reichardwerk Mini Paper Reprints
Reichardt 1902 Tiere der Urwelt Lithographs - Series 1 (w. "Series 1" Indication, Full Back Text)
Reichardt 1902 Tiere der Urwelt Lithographs - Series 1 (w/o "Series 1" Indication, Full Back Text)
Reichardt 1902 Tiere der Urwelt Lithographs - Series 1 (w/o "Series 1" Indication, No Back Text)
Reichardt 1902 Tiere der Urwelt Lithographs - Series 2
Reichardt 1907 Tiere der Urwelt Lithographs - Series 2a
Reichardt 1933 Tiere der Urwelt von Wilhelm Bolsche Reichardwerk Mini Card Reprints
Renwal Products Company 1968 Teach-Me About Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Rich's Zoologiske Sjaeldenheder Cards
Safari Ltd. Dinosaur Quiz Cards (English Edition)
Safari Ltd. Dinosaur Quiz Cards (Spanish Edition)
Safari Ltd. 1983 Dino Lotto Cards & Game Panels
Safari Ltd. 1983 Dinosaur Pick Up Pairs Cards
Safari Ltd. 1983 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animal Rummy Cards (Printed in West Germany)
Safari Ltd. 1983 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals Rummy Cards - (English Edition)
Safari Ltd. 1983 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals Rummy Cards - (Spanish Edition)
Saurierpark Kleinwelka Grosswelka Postcards
Schmid, F.X. 1992 Dinosaurs Quartet
Schmid, F.X. 1993 Dinoland Dino Quiz Cards
Thams & Garfs 1931 Educational Stickers
Top Trumps 1979 Prehistoric Monsters Game Cards (Dubreq Limited)
Top Trumps 1979 Prehistoric Monsters Game Cards (Waddingtons Games)
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - Authentic Fossil Relic Cards
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - Canvas Mini Cards
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - Canvas Mini Cards Extinction Red Parallel Set
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - Extinction Red Parallel Set
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs Cards
Upper Deck 2016 Goodwin Champions - Origin of Species Patch Insert Cards
Weekly Reader Books 1981 Illustrated Wildlife Treasury Cards - Prehistoric Life
William Scheele 1988 Prehistoric Animals Cards - Series 2
Unidentified Belgium Prehistoric Animals Cards
Unidentified 1960's Prehistoric Animal Matchbox Labels