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Edito-Service S. A.
Prehistoric Animals Cards (German)

Date:  1992
Country:  Swaziland 

Set ID:  4546
Product Type:  Education

Advertised Qty:?
Extinct Life30
Living Plants & Animals62
Under Review8

P Bontemps J.P. Djivanides M Fontaine D Grant
A Maurel E Mercier E Provoost Pham Kim Quang
J Simon Y Tabaries


The partial checklist below includes German text cards produced by the Swiss publishers 'Rencontre SA / 'Edito-Service S. A.  Each card has two dates, 1975 and 1992.  I am assuming the most recent date is when these cards were actually issued.
There is also a Dutch text version and an English text version of this set which I've listed separately in this site.


========== Cards ==========
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895390 Living Plants & Animals 401-025 1 tbd n/a
Adler, Stein - (Golden eagle)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895430 Living Plants & Animals 401-004 1 tbd n/a
Alligator, Hecht - (American alligator)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895017 Extinct Life 401-077 1 tbd n/a Olenellus
Amerikanischer Olenellus (American Olenellus)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895115 Living Plants & Animals 401-070 1 tbd n/a
Antilope, Beisa (East African Oryx)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894636 Extinct Life 401-056 1 tbd n/a Archaeopteryx
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895567 Living Plants & Animals 401-010 1 tbd n/a
Bison, Amerikanischer (American bison)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895357 Living Plants & Animals 401-050 1 tbd n/a
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894478 Extinct Life 401-079 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Brachypotherium
Brachypotherium brachypus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895092 Living Plants & Animals 401-087 1 tbd n/a
British Kurzhaar (British shorthair)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895117 Living Plants & Animals 401-071 1 tbd n/a
Buffel, Indischer (Asian water buffalo)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895386 Living Plants & Animals 401-034 1 tbd n/a
Chinchilla Langhaar (Chinchilla Persian (longhair)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895091 Living Plants & Animals 401-088 1 tbd n/a
Clownfisch (clownfish)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894659 Extinct Life 401-059 1 tbd n/a Corythosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894477 Extinct Life 401-078 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Deinonychus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895330 Living Plants & Animals 401-066 1 tbd n/a
Delphin, Gemeiner (common dolphin)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895356 Living Plants & Animals 401-048 1 tbd n/a
Deutscher Schaferhund (German Shepherd)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894479 Extinct Life 401-091 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Dimyloides
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894486 Extinct Life 401-013 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Dinotherium
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894473 Extinct Life 401-044 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Diplodocus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895394 Living Plants & Animals 401-021 1 tbd n/a
Dromedar (Dromedary)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894481 Extinct Life 401-092 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Edaphosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895329 Living Plants & Animals 401-055 1 tbd n/a
Eichhornchen (squirrel)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895351 401-053 1 tbd n/a
Eisbar (Polar Bear)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895016 Living Plants & Animals 401-097 1 tbd n/a
Elch (moose)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895404 Living Plants & Animals 401-020 1 tbd n/a
Elefant, Afrikanischer (african elephant)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895566 Living Plants & Animals 401-008 1 tbd n/a
Erdferkel (aardvark)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894475 Extinct Life 401-026 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Euoplocephalus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895331 Living Plants & Animals 401-065 1 tbd n/a
Euxiphipops navarchus (Majestic Angelfish)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895377 401-079 1 tbd n/a
Flamingo, Rosa - (Greater Flamingo)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895064 Living Plants & Animals 401-063 1 tbd n/a
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895393 Living Plants & Animals 401-023 1 tbd n/a
Fuchs, Rot - (Red fox)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895350 401-054 1 tbd n/a
Fuchs, Wusten (Fennec Fox)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895116 Living Plants & Animals 401-098 1 tbd n/a
Gartenschlafer (garden dormouse)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895102 Living Plants & Animals 401-082 1 tbd n/a
Geier, Bart (bearded vulture)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895429 Living Plants & Animals 401-005 1 tbd n/a
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894476 Extinct Life 401-027 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Glyptodon
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895385 Living Plants & Animals 401-032 1 tbd n/a
Goldhamster (golden hamster)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895428 Living Plants & Animals 401-006 1 tbd n/a
Gorilla, Berg - (Eastern gorilla)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895095 Living Plants & Animals 401-084 1 tbd n/a
Hirsch, Virginia (Virginia deer, a.k.a., white-tailed deer)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895097 Living Plants & Animals 401-085 1 tbd n/a
Hundskopfschlinger (emerald tree boa)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894638 Extinct Life 401-041 1 tbd n/a Hypsilophodon
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894639 Extinct Life 401-043 1 tbd n/a Ichthyostega
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894489 Extinct Life 401-030 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Iguanodon
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894656 Extinct Life 401-060 1 tbd n/a Mammuthus
Kaltesteppenmammut (cold steppe mammoth)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895403 Living Plants & Animals 401-019 1 tbd n/a
Kamel, Wild (wild camel)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895402 Living Plants & Animals 401-018 1 tbd n/a
Kanguruh, Rotes (red kangaroo)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895355 Living Plants & Animals 401-047 1 tbd n/a
Kaninchen, Zwerg (European rabbit: Coney)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895062 Living Plants & Animals 401-062 1 tbd n/a
Kartauserkatze (Carthusian cat)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895389 Living Plants & Animals 401-001 1 tbd n/a
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895101 Living Plants & Animals 401-099 1 tbd n/a
Krake, Gemeine (common octopus)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895369 Living Plants & Animals 401-075 1 tbd n/a
Kranich, Japan (red-crowned crane)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895098 Living Plants & Animals 401-086 1 tbd n/a
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895100 Living Plants & Animals 401-100 1 tbd n/a
Lappenchamaleon (flap-necked chameleon)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895413 Living Plants & Animals 401-003 1 tbd n/a
Leguan, Gruner (green iguana)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895352 401-051 1 tbd n/a
Leopard, Maghreb (Leopard)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895368 Living Plants & Animals 401-073 1 tbd n/a
Lowe (Lion)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895417 Living Plants & Animals 401-040 1 tbd n/a
Luchs Isabelle (Turkestan lynx)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894487 Extinct Life 401-012 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Macrauchenia
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895018 Extinct Life 401-076 1 tbd n/a Massospondylus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894658 Extinct Life 401-058 1 tbd n/a Megaloceros
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894483 Extinct Life 401-095 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Megalosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894482 Extinct Life 401-093 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Meiolania
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895367 Living Plants & Animals 401-074 1 tbd n/a
Meise, Blau- (Eurasian blue tit)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894485 Extinct Life 401-011 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Moschops
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895118 Living Plants & Animals 401-068 1 tbd n/a
Murmeltier, Alpen (alpine marmot)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895565 Living Plants & Animals 401-009 1 tbd n/a
Nashorn, Panzer (Indian rhinoceros)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895416 Living Plants & Animals 401-016 1 tbd n/a
Nilpferd (hippopotamus)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895564 Living Plants & Animals 401-007 1 tbd n/a
Panda, Grober (giant panda)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895376 401-037 1 tbd n/a
Pelikan, Rosa - (Great White Pelican)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895388 Living Plants & Animals 401-031 1 tbd n/a
Perser Rot (Red Persian)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895415 Living Plants & Animals 401-039 1 tbd n/a
Pfefferfresser Toko (Toco toucan)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895375 401-038 1 tbd n/a
Pinguin, Kaiser - (Emperor Penguin)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895090 Living Plants & Animals 401-089 1 tbd n/a
Prachtfink (parrot finch)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894474 Extinct Life 401-029 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Psittacosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894490 Extinct Life 401-014 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Quetzalcoatlus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895384 Living Plants & Animals 401-035 1 tbd n/a
Rough Collie
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894491 Extinct Life 401-028 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Smilodon
Sabelzahntiger (sabre-toothed tiger)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894657 Extinct Life 401-057 1 tbd n/a Sarcosuchus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895374 401-036 1 tbd n/a
Sattelrobbe (Harp Seal)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895328 Living Plants & Animals 401-067 1 tbd n/a
Schimpanse (chimpanzee)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895061 Living Plants & Animals 401-061 1 tbd n/a
Schmuckschildkrote, Rotwangen (red-eared turtle)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895392 Living Plants & Animals 401-069 1 tbd n/a
Schwertwal (Killer whale)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894484 Extinct Life 401-094 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Scutosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895093 Living Plants & Animals 401-090 1 tbd n/a
Shar Pei
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895383 Living Plants & Animals 401-033 1 tbd n/a
Siam Seal-Point
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895401 Living Plants & Animals 401-017 1 tbd n/a
Straub (common ostrich)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894492 Extinct Life 401-015 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Struthiomimus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895099 Living Plants & Animals 401-081 1 tbd n/a
Sudliche-See-Elefant (southern elephant seal)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895354 Living Plants & Animals 401-049 1 tbd n/a
Swain-Lori (Coconut Lorikeet)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894488 Extinct Life 401-042 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Triceratops
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894637 Extinct Life 401-045 1 tbd n/a Tyrannosaurus
Tyrannosaurus rex
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895353 401-052 1 tbd n/a
Uhu, Eurasiatischer (Eurasian Eagle-owl)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895063 Living Plants & Animals 401-064 1 tbd n/a
Unzertrennlicher, Fishers (Fischer's lovebird)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895414 Living Plants & Animals 401-002 1 tbd n/a
Walrob (walrus)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895015 Living Plants & Animals 401-096 1 tbd n/a
Waschbar, Nordamerikanischer (North American raccoon)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895366 Living Plants & Animals 401-046 1 tbd n/a
West Highland White Terrier
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895387 Living Plants & Animals 401-024 1 tbd n/a
Wildschwein (wild boar)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895391 Living Plants & Animals 401-022 1 tbd n/a
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45894480 Extinct Life 401-080 1 5" x 4-3/4" n/a Zeltornis
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895096 Living Plants & Animals 401-083 1 tbd n/a
Ziesel (ground squirrel)