(ah-DAFF-oh-SAWR-us | 'Pavement Lizard')

Type Species*: pogonias

* Globally extinct life form (†), only the type species is displayed

Illustration of Edaphosaurus
The Prehistoric Gallery of Mineo Shiraishi

Edaphosaurus Collectibles Gallery
Qty. Sets
Qty. Items

Acme Studios 1995 The Carnegie Museum of Natural History Trading Cards
Aims Instructional Media Services Prehistoric Animals and Plants - Set B: Mesozoic Era
Albumes Espanoles 1969 Vida y Color 2 Stickers
British American Tobacco 1925 Animaux Prehistoriques/Voorhistorishe Dieren Cards
British American Tobacco 1931 Prehistoric Animals Cards
Brooke Bond 1963 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals - Series No. 5 Cards (Canadian Edition)
Brooke Bond 1963 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals - Series No. 5 Cards (USA Edition)
Brooke Bond 1963 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals - Series No. 5 Proof Cards
Brooke Bond 1991 Dinosaur and Other Fossils Cards
Bullyland The World of Dinosaurs Museum Line Toy Hang Tags (Brown Border)
Capitol Publishing 1958 Color and Wipe-Off Book of Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals Standup Cards
Card Collectors Society 2000 Edwards, Ringer & Bigg Prehistoric Animals Reprint Cards
Cerdan Dinosaurios y Prehistoria Stickers
Cromy Dinosaur in My Pocket Stickers
Crosse & Blackwell 1969 Prehistoric Reptiles Baked Bean Can Labels - Double Images
Crosse & Blackwell 1969 Prehistoric Reptiles Baked Bean Can Labels - Single Images
DinoCardz Company 1991 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals Large Cards
DinoCardz Company 1991-1992 Prehistoric Animal Postcards
DinoCardz Company 1992 DinoCardz Trading Cards (Flat Finish)
DinoCardz Company 1992 DinoCardz Trading Cards (UV Finish)
DinoCardz Company 1993 DinoCardz Trading Cards (Spanish Edition)
Documentary Photo Aids c.1977 Educational Life Evolution Cards
Dorling Kindersley Ltd. 2004 Top Ass Dinosaurier Game Cards
Dorset Press 2003 2003 Dinosaur Calendar by Karen Carr Insert Stickers
Edis 1995 Il Mondo Degli Animali Stickers
Edito-Service S. A. 1992 Prehistoric Animals Cards (German)
Edito-Service S. A. 1992-1993 Prehistoric Animals Cards (Dutch)
Educational Reading Service 1970 Prehistoric Animals Flipout Book Cards
Eudosio Lopez Spanish Prehistoric Animal Stickers
Euroflash Figurine Dinosaurien/Dinosauri Stickers
Euroflash Figurine 1988 Prehistoria Stickers
Eurotrip 1966 Prehistorische Dieren Match Box Labels
Fher 1977 Animales Prehistoricos Stickers
Fosforera Espanola 1976 Prehistoric Animal Matchbox Covers
France Cartes c.2000 Les Dinosaures 7 Families Game Cards
Heraclio Fournier 1968 Vida y Color Stickers
Heron Jadis, les Monstres Cards
Incredible Game Company, The Dinosaurs - The Mesozoic Era Reprint Cards
Izobrazitelnoye Iskusstvo 1979 Russian 'From the Depths of Time' Cards - Series 1
Kokoro Co. Ltd. 1990's Prehistoric Diorama Postcards
Lo Scarabeo 2004 Dinosaurs & Co. Playing Cards
Marvel Education Company 1985 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals Teaching Pictures
Master Books 1997 3D Dinosaur Cards
Meiji c.1962 Dinosaur Cards
Nacional de Chocolates 1967 Chocolatina Jet Historia Natural Stickers
Nacional de Chocolates 2011 Chocolatina Jet El Mundo de los Animales Prehistóricos Stickers
Natural History Park (Calgary, Alberta) Souvenir Postcards
Panini 1992 Prehistoric Animals Stickers
Panini 1992-1993 Dinosaurs Stickers
Panter Cigars 1970 Prehistoric Animals Cigar Bands (Large Edition)
Panter Cigars 1970 Prehistoric Animals Cigar Bands (Small Edition)
Peabody Museum of Natural History Souvenir Postcards
Phoskitos 1993 Saurio Park Stickers (Numbered)
Phoskitos 1993 Saurio Park Stickers (Unnumbered)
Price Stern Sloan 1986 The Dinosaur Action Set Paper Punchouts
Sarpe 1988 Los Animales Prehistoricos Stickers
Shogakukan 1979 Dinosaurs Korotan Cards
Sinclair Gasoline 1938 Dinosaurs with Other Ancient Reptiles Stamps
TCM Associates Inc. Heroes of Extinction POGS
Tsukuda 1990 Dinosaur Game Cards
Upper Deck 2014 Goodwin Champions - Origin of Species Patch Insert Cards
Utah Field House of Natural History Souvenir Postcards
Van Nelle 1958 Wonderwereld-boeken (Speurtocht in dierenland) Paper Stickers
Verlag für Lehrmittel Pößneck GmbH 1975 Tiere der Urzeit Cards
Walt Disney 1972 Animals of the Primeval World Study Prints
Weekly Reader Books 1981 Illustrated Wildlife Treasury Cards - Prehistoric Life
Yale Peabody Museum Souvenir Postcards
Unidentified Japanese Dinosaur Cards
Unidentified Japanese Menko Dinosaur Cards
Unidentified Sticker Zone Vending Capsule Stickers
Unidentified c.1970 The Amazing World Stickers
Unidentified 1989 Prehistoric Animal Matchbox Labels