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This is a 'Virtual Set'.c.1993This is a 'Virtual Set'.
Light & Shadows Inc.
DinoAlive Playing Cards

Date:  c.1993
Country:  Japan 

Set ID:  4637
Product Type:  Games

Advertised Qty:54
Card Decks:54
Point of Sale Items:1
Other Stuff:1
Extinct Life54

Susumu Matsushita


Thank you to the individual(s) and/or to the owner(s) of the resource(s) listed below for contributing information, checklist data, and/or image(s) included on this page.
Robert Telleria


Card Decks
Point of Sale Items
Other Stuff
========== Card Decks ==========
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898128 Extinct Life AH 1 tbd n/a Thecodontosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898129 Extinct Life 2H 1 tbd n/a Anchisaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898130 Extinct Life 3H 1 tbd n/a Plateosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898131 Extinct Life 4H 1 tbd n/a Riojasaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898132 Extinct Life 5H 1 tbd n/a Barapasaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898133 Extinct Life 6H 1 tbd n/a Camarasaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898134 Extinct Life 7H 1 tbd n/a Apatosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898135 Extinct Life 8H 1 tbd n/a Diplodocus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898136 Extinct Life 9H 1 tbd n/a Mamenchisaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898137 Extinct Life 10H 1 tbd n/a Brachiosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898138 Extinct Life JH 1 tbd n/a Ultrasaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898139 Extinct Life QH 1 tbd n/a Titanosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898140 Extinct Life KH 1 tbd n/a Saltasaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898141 Extinct Life AS 1 tbd n/a Staurikosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898142 Extinct Life 2S 1 tbd n/a Coelophysis
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898143 Extinct Life 3S 1 tbd n/a Dilophosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898144 Extinct Life 4S 1 tbd n/a Compsognathus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898145 Extinct Life 5S 1 tbd n/a Coelurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898146 Extinct Life 6S 1 tbd n/a Allosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898147 Extinct Life 7S 1 tbd n/a Baryonyx
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898148 Extinct Life 8S 1 tbd n/a Spinosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898149 Extinct Life 9S 1 tbd n/a Oviraptor
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898150 Extinct Life 10S 1 tbd n/a Ornithomimus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898151 Extinct Life JS 1 tbd n/a Dromaeosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898152 Extinct Life QS 1 tbd n/a Stenonychosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898153 Extinct Life KS 1 tbd n/a Tyrannosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898154 Extinct Life AD 1 tbd n/a Fabrosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898155 Extinct Life 2D 1 tbd n/a Heterodontosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898156 Extinct Life 3D 1 tbd n/a Camptosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898157 Extinct Life 4D 1 tbd n/a Hypsilophodon
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898158 Extinct Life 5D 1 tbd n/a Iguanodon
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898159 Extinct Life 6D 1 tbd n/a Ouranosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898160 Extinct Life 7D 1 tbd n/a Majungatholus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898161 Extinct Life 8D 1 tbd n/a Saurolophus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898162 Extinct Life 9D 1 tbd n/a Lambeosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898163 Extinct Life 10D 1 tbd n/a Shantungosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898164 Extinct Life JD 1 tbd n/a Pachycephalosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898165 Extinct Life QD 1 tbd n/a Maiasaura
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898166 Extinct Life KD 1 tbd n/a Stygimoloch
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898167 Extinct Life AC 1 tbd n/a Scelidosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898168 Extinct Life 2C 1 tbd n/a Huayangosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898169 Extinct Life 3C 1 tbd n/a Kentrosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898170 Extinct Life 4C 1 tbd n/a Stegosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898171 Extinct Life 5C 1 tbd n/a Polacanthus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898172 Extinct Life 6C 1 tbd n/a Nodosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898173 Extinct Life 7C 1 tbd n/a Euoplocephalus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898174 Extinct Life 8C 1 tbd n/a Psittacosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898175 Extinct Life 9C 1 tbd n/a Protoceratops
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898176 Extinct Life 10C 1 tbd n/a Monoclonius
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898177 Extinct Life JC 1 tbd n/a Chasmosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898178 Extinct Life QC 1 tbd n/a Styracosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898179 Extinct Life KC 1 tbd n/a Triceratops
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898180 Extinct Life Joker 1 tbd n/a Archaeopteryx
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898181 Extinct Life Joker 1 tbd n/a Euparkeria
========== Point of Sale Items ==========
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898182 n/a -- 1 tbd n/a
Retail Box
========== Other Stuff ==========
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45898183 n/a -- 1 tbd n/a
Complete Set