(pol-a-KAN-thus | 'Many Spine')
Nodosauridae (Ankylosauria)

Type Species*: foxii

Synonyms (Invalid Genera)
Polacanthoides Vectensia

* Globally extinct life form (†), only the type species is displayed

Illustration of Polacanthus
Content Paradise (Artist: Dinoraul)
Illustration of Polacanthus
Dinosaur Facts
Illustration of Polacanthus
Illustration of Partial Polacanthoides Shoulder Blade (scapula)
Illustration of Vectensia Armour Plate

Polacanthus Collectibles Gallery
Qty. Sets
Qty. Items

Acid Rain Studios 1995 Dinosaur Terror! Cards
Albert Heijn 'Back to the Dinosaurs with Freek' Dinosaur Stickers
Album Cultura c.1970 Hace Millones de Anos Stickers
Asahi Sonorama 1978 Wonder Cards
Avalon Hill Game Company, The 1992 Tyranno Ex Game Cards
Barratt & Co. 1994 Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Creatures Candy Sticks Insert Cards
Barratt & Co. 1997 Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Creatures Cards
Bimbo Museo de los Dinosaurios Stickers
British American Tobacco 1925 Animaux Prehistoriques/Voorhistorishe Dieren Cards
British American Tobacco 1931 Prehistoric Animals Cards
British Museum (Natural History) Neave Parker Prehistoric Life Postcards
British Museum (Natural History) 1922-1978 Souvenir Postcards (G Series)
British Museum (Natural History) 1925 Restorations of Extinct Reptiles Postcards
Brooke Bond 1972 Prehistoric Animals Cards
C.O.F. 2000 Dino World Battle Cards - Version Two
Cavanders Ltd. 1930 Peeps Into Prehistoric Times - Army Club Cigarettes (Large Photo Series)
Cavanders Ltd. 1930 Peeps Into Prehistoric Times - Army Club Cigarettes (Small Photo Series)
Chocolates Juncosa 1935 Historia Natural Stickers
Chocolates Juncosa 1958 Historia Natural Stickers
Compass Labs 2005 Dinosaurs Fact Pack Cards
Condis 2019 Super Animals 4 Grocery Store Cards
Daily Telegraph, The Dinosaur Collection - "A Collection to get Your Teeth Into"
Demaret Caramels c.1940 Prehistoric Animals Cards - Series of 25
Dinosaur National Monument Souvenir Postcards
Dinosaur Park (Blackgang Chine - Isle of Wight) 1972 Souvenir Postcards
Documentary Photo Aids c.1977 Educational Life Evolution Cards
Dover Publications 1986 Mathew Kalmenoff Dinosaur Stickers and Seals
Evercrisp Mundo Prehistorico Dino-Tazos
Fosforera Canariense Prehistoric Animal Match Boxes
France Cartes c.2000 Les Dinosaures 7 Families Game Cards
Gametoy Development Co. 1988 The Dinosaur Game
Gartmann 1925 Tiere der Vorwelt (Series 625)
Geo. Bassett & Co. 1979 Sweet Cigarettes Age of the Dinosaurs Picture Cards
Golden Glow Sales Corp. 1959 Wonders of the Animal Kingdom Stickers
Goodies Ltd. 1969 Sweet Cigarettes Prehistoric Animals Picture Cards
Heraclio Fournier 1993 Dinosaurios Information Game Cards
Heritage Playing Card Company 2002 The Famous Dinosaurs Playing Cards
Heron Jadis, les Monstres Cards
Hoffman Mint, The 1994 Cool Mike's Mint Caps Bronze POGS
Hoffman Mint, The 1997-1998 Dino Coins: Brass Dinosaur Coins
Jake 1989 Dinosaurs Sticker Pairs
Kaiku Yogurt Promo Posters
Klee Spiel Box Dinosaurier Lotto Game Cards & Game Boards
Kumon Publishing Co. 1996 Dinosaur Carta Educational Cards
KVIZ 1996 Dinoszauruszok (Foldunk Allativilaga) Game Cards
Learning Horizons 2002 Dinosaurs! Puzzle Fact Cards
Light & Shadows Inc. c.1993 DinoAlive Playing Cards
Lo Scarabeo Dinosaur Playaing Cards (Russian Deck)
Lukewarm Media 2012 Primal Carnage Biologic Prototype Cards
Marca 2012 Dinosaurios! Stickers
Masters Cards 1993 Dinocard Cards
Milk Marketing Board 1963 Prehistoric Animals Cards
Minute Maid 1992 Five Alive Dinosaur Stickers
Mun-War Enterprises Inc. 1993 The Greatest Cards Unearthed! Collector Cards
MV Editores 1992 El Gran Album de Los Dinosaurios Stickers
Nabisco 1973 Prehistoric Animal Stickers
Nacional de Chocolates 2011 Chocolatina Jet El Mundo de los Animales Prehistóricos Stickers
Non Violent Games Inc. 2001 Dinosaur Trading Cards - Series 1 (Plant Eaters)
Orbis Publishing Ltd. Come Saurios Dinosaurios Cards
Orbis Publishing Ltd. 1992 Dino Tausch Dinosaurier! Serie 1 Cards
Orbis Publishing Ltd. 1992 Swap It! Dinosaurs! Series 1 Cards
Orbis Publishing Ltd. 1993 Dinopigliatutto Dinosauri Cards
Ovaltine 1993 Ovaltinies Sweepstakes Stickers
Panini 1992 Prehistoric Animals Stickers
Panini 1992-1993 Dinosaurs Stickers
Pepsi Mundo Prehistorico Dino Tazos
Petit-Exquis French Hologram Sticker Cards
Phoskitos 1993 Saurio Park Stickers (Numbered)
Pingo Doce 2018 Super Animals 3 (Dinossauros) Cards
Pressman Toy 2008 Dino-X Game & Construction Cards
Printissa 2005 Russian Dinosaur Playing Cards
Punto Blanco 2019 El Mundo De Los Dinosaurios Socks Sticker Tags
Quelle 1994 Herrscher der Urzeit Stickers
Saurierpark Kleinwelka Brown Border Souvenir Postcards
Schmidt Spiele 1992 Dinosaurier Paare Suchen
Scholastic, Inc. 1965 Dinosaur Pin-ups
Schwager & Steinlein Dinosaurier Quiz Karten
Shogakukan 1979 Dinosaurs Korotan Cards
Tomy 1978 Dinosaur Squadron Koseidon Toy Insert Cards
Top Trumps 1993 Super Top Trumps Dinosaurs II Game Cards (Waddingtons Games)
Upper Deck 2008 Dinosaur King Game Cards - Series 2: Colossal Team Battle
Upper Deck 2008-2009 Champ's Hockey Natural History Collection Insert Cards
Weekly Reader Books 1981 Illustrated Wildlife Treasury Cards - Prehistoric Life
William Scheele 1988 Prehistoric Animals Cards - Series 1
Unidentified Dinosaur Card Game Cards
Unidentified Jurassic Park Bubble Gum Stickers
Unidentified 1989 Prehistoric Animal Matchbox Labels
Unidentified 1990's Japanese Dinosaur Playing Cards