Abbeon Supply Company 1955-1957 Prehistoric Animals Porcelain-like Figurines - Information Card Inserts
Barsal Animales Prehistóricos Educational Cards - Series 3
British American Tobacco 1925 Animaux Prehistoriques/Voorhistorishe Dieren Cards
British American Tobacco 1931 Prehistoric Animals Cards
Brooke Bond 1963 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals - Series No. 5 Cards (Canadian Edition)
Brooke Bond 1963 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals - Series No. 5 Cards (USA Edition)
Brooke Bond 1963 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals - Series No. 5 Proof Cards
Brooke Bond 1972 Prehistoric Animals Cards
Brooke Bond 1991 Dinosaur and Other Fossils Cards
Bruguera 1952 Album de Zoologia Stickers
Cadet Sweets 1961 Prehistoric Animals Cards
Card Collectors Society 2000 Edwards, Ringer & Bigg Prehistoric Animals Reprint Cards
Cereal Foods Pty. Ltd. 1960 Vita-Brits Prehistoric Beasts Cards
Chocolat d'Aiguebelle 1960 La Promenade Enchantee Series 2 Stickers
Clover Dairies Limited 1966 Prehistoric Animals Cards
Collezioni Lampo 1951 Figurine di Animali Stickers
Cromy Dinosaur in My Pocket Stickers
DeJankins 2000 Deanosaurs Dinosaur Figure Cards - Series K
Demaret Caramels c.1940 Prehistoric Animals Cards - Series of 25
DinoCardz Company 1991 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals Large Cards
DinoCardz Company 1992 DinoCardz Trading Cards (Flat Finish)
DinoCardz Company 1992 DinoCardz Trading Cards (UV Finish)
Dorset Press 2003 2003 Dinosaur Calendar by Karen Carr Insert Stickers
Editorial Bruguera 1967 Historia Natural Stickers
Edizioni Zanetti 1972 Astronomia e Storia Dell'uomo Stickers
Educational Insights 1988 Reading Comprehenion Cards - The World of Prehistoric Animals
Edwards, Ringer & Bigg 1924 Prehistoric Animals Cards - A Series of 25
Escudo de Oro Animales Prehistoricos y Reptiles Info Papers - Series 31
Fosforera Espanola 1976 Prehistoric Animal Matchbox Covers
Gartmann 1925 Tiere der Vorwelt (Series 625)
Gelles-Widmer Company 1962 Teach-Me About Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Golden Press 1958 Dinosaurs Punch Out and Assemble Cards
Goodies Ltd. 1969 Sweet Cigarettes Prehistoric Animals Picture Cards
Gowers & Burgons 1967 Prehistoric Animals Cards
Incredible Game Company, The Dinosaurs - The Mesozoic Era Reprint Cards
J. S. Fry & Sons 1932 This Wonderful World Picture Stamps
Kaiyodo 2004 Dinotales Insert Stickers (Series 5 - B)
Kaiyodo 2004 Dinotales Insert Stickers (Series 5 -A)
Kitchen Sink Press 1993 Dinosaurs Rule the Infant Earth! Cards
M & B Graphic Products 1962 Teach-Me About Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Marca 2012 Dinosaurios! Stickers
McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1962 Prehistoric Animals I. D. Cards
McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1962 Teach-Me About Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Milk Marketing Board 1963 Prehistoric Animals Cards
Nacional de Chocolates 1967 Chocolatina Jet Historia Natural Stickers
Novaro 1961 Dinosaurio Punch Out and Assemble Cards
Nu-Card Sales 1961 Dinosaur Series Trading Cards
Panini 1992 Prehistoric Animals Stickers
Panini 1992-1993 Dinosaurs Stickers
Prehistoric Gardens, The Souvenir Postcards
Renwal Products Company 1968 Teach-Me About Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Rimbou 1968 Vieil Anvers Cigar Bands
Safari Ltd. Dinosaur Quiz Cards (English Edition)
Safari Ltd. Dinosaur Quiz Cards (Spanish Edition)
Safari Ltd. 1983 Dino Lotto Cards & Game Panels
Safari Ltd. 1983 Dinosaur Pick Up Pairs Cards
Safari Ltd. 1983 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animal Rummy Cards (Printed in West Germany)
Safari Ltd. 1983 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals Rummy Cards - (English Edition)
Safari Ltd. 1983 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals Rummy Cards - (Spanish Edition)
Safari Ltd. 2000 Survive! Extinction Cards
Sarpe 1988 Los Animales Prehistoricos Stickers
Schmid, F.X. 1992 Dinosaurs Quartet
Schmid, F.X. 1993 Dinoland Dino Quiz Cards
Top Trumps 1979 Prehistoric Monsters Game Cards (Dubreq Limited)
Top Trumps 1979 Prehistoric Monsters Game Cards (Waddingtons Games)
Upper Deck 2014 Goodwin Champions - Origin of Species Patch Insert Cards
Utah Museum of Natural History 1980's Souvenir Postcards
Weekly Reader Books 1981 Illustrated Wildlife Treasury Cards - Prehistoric Life
William Scheele 1988 Prehistoric Animals Cards - Series 2