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This is a 'Virtual Set'.This is a 'Rogue Issue'1987This is a 'Rogue Issue'This is a 'Virtual Set'.
Golden Book
Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse and Friends Discover Dinosaurs Sticker-Stamp Book

Date:  1987
Country:  United States 

Set ID:  4607
Product Type:  Education

Advertised Qty:30
Uncut Sheets:1
Extinct Life29
Living Plants & Animals1
In ScopeItems
Rogue Items:28

John Sibbick


Thank you to the individual(s) and/or to the owner(s) of the resource(s) listed below for contributing information, checklist data, and/or image(s) included on this page.
Robert Telleria


View Rogue Items Only 

Uncut Sheets
========== Stickers ==========
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895736 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Allosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895760 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Anatosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895741 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Apatosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895740 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Brachiosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895754 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Centrosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895732 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Coelophysis
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895738 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Compsognathus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895749 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Corythosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895744 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Deinonychus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895735 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Dilophosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895739 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Diplodocus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895745 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a
Early Mammal
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895731 Living Plants & Animals -- 1 tbd n/a
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895750 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Euoplocephalus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895734 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Heterodontosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895742 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Iguanodon
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895752 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Maiasaura
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895743 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Ouranosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895757 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Oviraptor
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895758 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Pachycephalosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895759 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Parasaurolophus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895733 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Plateosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895753 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Protoceratops
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895748 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Psittacosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895737 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Stegosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895751 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Stenonychosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895755 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Torosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895756 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Triceratops
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895761 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a Tyrannosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895762 Extinct Life -- 1 tbd n/a
William Buckland
========== Albums ==========
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895746 n/a -- 1 tbd tbd
Sticker Booklet
========== Uncut Sheets ==========
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45895747 n/a -- 1 tbd n/a
Unseparated Sticker Sheets