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This is a 'Rogue Issue'1961This is a 'Rogue Issue'
Erde und Weltall Stickers

Date:  1961
Country:  Germany 

Set ID:  1146
Product Type:  Education

Advertised Qty:84
Paper Items:84
Other Stuff:1
History, Culture & Education84
In ScopeItems
Rogue Items:14

To be determined




View Rogue Items Only 

Paper Items
Other Stuff
========== Paper Items ==========
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63053 History, Culture & Education 1 1 tbd n/a
Die Erde und ihre Lage zum Polarstern
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63054 History, Culture & Education 2 1 tbd n/a
Die scheinbare Himmelskugel
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63055 History, Culture & Education 3 1 tbd n/a
Die scheinbaren Sonnenbahnen
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63056 History, Culture & Education 4 1 tbd n/a
Der Wechsel von Tag und Nacht
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63057 History, Culture & Education 5 1 tbd n/a
Die Entstehung der Jahreszeiten
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63058 History, Culture & Education 6 1 tbd n/a
Die Zeitzonen
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63059 History, Culture & Education 7 1 tbd n/a
Die Tagbogen im Wechsel der Jahreszeiten
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63060 History, Culture & Education 8 1 tbd n/a
Der Tierkreis
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63061 History, Culture & Education 9 1 tbd n/a
Der Mond - ein Größenvergleich
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63062 History, Culture & Education 10 1 tbd n/a
Die Entstehung der Lichtgestalten des Mondes
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63063 History, Culture & Education 11 1 tbd n/a
Mond- und Sonnenfinsternis
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63064 History, Culture & Education 12 1 tbd n/a
Der Nordamerikanebel
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63065 History, Culture & Education 13 1 tbd n/a
Der Andromedanebel
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63066 History, Culture & Education 14 1 tbd n/a
Die Sonne und die Planeten
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63067 History, Culture & Education 15 1 tbd n/a
Das Spiegelteleskop auf dem Mount Palomar
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63068 History, Culture & Education 16 1 tbd n/a
Ein Radioteleskop
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63069 History, Culture & Education 17 1 tbd n/a
Eine Dreistufen-Rakete älterer Bauart
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63070 History, Culture & Education 18 1 tbd n/a
Lunik I
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63071 History, Culture & Education 19 1 tbd n/a
Die Polarhündin "Laika"
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63072 History, Culture & Education 20 1 tbd n/a
Der erste Heimkehrer von einer Weltraumfahrt
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
63073 History, Culture & Education 21 1 tbd n/a
Der Start einer Weltraumrakete
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
36554 History, Culture & Education 22 1 2-3/8" x 3-1/8" n/a
Versteinerte Trilobiten
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
36555 History, Culture & Education 23 1 2-3/8" x 3-1/8" n/a
Im Steinkohlenwald
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
36556 History, Culture & Education 24 1 2-3/8" x 3-1/8" n/a
Im Jurameer
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
36557 History, Culture & Education 25 1 2-3/8" x 3-1/8" n/a
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
36558 History, Culture & Education 26 1 2-3/8" x 3-1/8" n/a Archaeopteryx
Der Urvogel Archaeopteryx
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
36559 History, Culture & Education 27 1 2-3/8" x 3-1/8" n/a Triceratops
Der Triceratops
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
36560 History, Culture & Education 28 1 2-3/8" x 6-3/4" n/a Brontosaurus
Brontosaurus und Stegosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
36561 History, Culture & Education 29 1 2-3/8" x 3-1/8" n/a Tyrannosaurus
Der Tyrannosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
36562 History, Culture & Education 30 1 2-3/8" x 3-1/8" n/a Pteranodon
Der Pteranodon
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
36563 History, Culture & Education 31 1 2-3/8" x 3-1/8" n/a Mammut
Das Mammut
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
36564 History, Culture & Education 32 1 2-3/8" x 3-1/8" n/a Smilodon
Der Säbelzahntiger
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
36565 History, Culture & Education 33 1 2-3/8" x 3-1/8" n/a
Der Unterkiefer von Mauer
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
36566 History, Culture & Education 34 1 2-3/8" x 3-1/8" n/a Homo
Neandertaler jagen einen Höhlenbären
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829036 History, Culture & Education 35 1 tbd n/a
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829071 History, Culture & Education 36 1 tbd n/a
Der Schalenbau der Erde
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829037 History, Culture & Education 37 1 tbd n/a
Der Kreislauf der Gesteine
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829038 History, Culture & Education 38 1 tbd n/a
Ein Maar
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829072 History, Culture & Education 39 1 tbd n/a
Der Vesuv
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829039 History, Culture & Education 40 1 tbd n/a
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829073 History, Culture & Education 41 1 tbd n/a
Ein erstarrter Lavastrom
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829074 History, Culture & Education 42 1 tbd n/a
Der Ausbruch eines Geysirs
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829040 History, Culture & Education 43 1 tbd n/a
Sukuläre Hebung und Senkung
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829075 History, Culture & Education 44 1 tbd n/a
Faltengebirge (Faltenjura)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829041 History, Culture & Education 45 1 tbd n/a
Überschiebung und Gesteinsfaltung
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829076 History, Culture & Education 46 1 tbd n/a
Basaltkuppen in der Rhön
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829077 History, Culture & Education 47 1 tbd n/a
Erdbeben I
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829078 History, Culture & Education 48 1 tbd n/a
Erdbeben II
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829079 History, Culture & Education 49 1 tbd n/a
Verwerfung und Faltung
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829080 History, Culture & Education 50 1 tbd n/a
Verwitterung (Herkulesfelsen im Eibsandsteingebirge)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829081 History, Culture & Education 51 1 tbd n/a
Verwitterung (Felsbogen in Arizona, USA)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829082 History, Culture & Education 52 1 tbd n/a
Schutthalde (Drei Zinnen, Dolomiten)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829083 History, Culture & Education 53 1 tbd n/a
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829084 History, Culture & Education 54 1 tbd n/a
Eine Tropfsteinhöhle
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829085 History, Culture & Education 55 1 tbd n/a
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829044 History, Culture & Education 56 1 tbd n/a
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829057 History, Culture & Education 57 1 tbd n/a
Die Entstehung einer Quelle
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829070 History, Culture & Education 58 1 tbd n/a
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829069 History, Culture & Education 59 1 tbd n/a
In der Höllentalklamm (bei Garmisch-Partenkirchen)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829068 History, Culture & Education 60 1 tbd n/a
Ein Kerbtal (Höllental im Hochschwarzwald)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829067 History, Culture & Education 61 1 tbd n/a
Talschlingen (Saar)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829066 History, Culture & Education 62 1 tbd n/a
Kiesbänke (Isar)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829065 History, Culture & Education 63 1 tbd n/a
Die Niagarafälle
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829064 History, Culture & Education 64 1 tbd n/a
Eine Lawine
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829063 History, Culture & Education 65 1 tbd n/a
Der Roseggletscher (Bernina-Alpen)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829062 History, Culture & Education 66 1 tbd n/a
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829061 History, Culture & Education 67 1 tbd n/a
Trogtal und Hängetal
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829060 History, Culture & Education 68 1 tbd n/a
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829042 History, Culture & Education 69 1 tbd n/a
Ein Sandsturm
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829058 History, Culture & Education 70 1 tbd n/a
Ein Endmoränenwall
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829043 History, Culture & Education 71 1 tbd n/a
Piccards Bathyskaph
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829056 History, Culture & Education 72 1 tbd n/a
Die Entstehung der Gezeiten
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829055 History, Culture & Education 73 1 tbd n/a
Stürmische See
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829054 History, Culture & Education 74 1 tbd n/a
Im Watt bei Ebbe
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829053 History, Culture & Education 75 1 tbd n/a
Steilküste bei Hochwasser (Helgoland)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829052 History, Culture & Education 76 1 tbd n/a
Steilküste bei Niedrigwasser
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829051 History, Culture & Education 77 1 tbd n/a
Auf einer Korallenbank
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829050 History, Culture & Education 78 1 tbd n/a
Haufenwolken (Kumuluswolken)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829049 History, Culture & Education 79 1 tbd n/a
Federwolken (Cirruswolken)
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829048 History, Culture & Education 80 1 tbd n/a
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829047 History, Culture & Education 81 1 tbd n/a
Im tropischen Regenwald
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829046 History, Culture & Education 82 1 tbd n/a
In der Savanne
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829045 History, Culture & Education 83 1 tbd n/a
In der Arktis
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45829059 History, Culture & Education 84 1 tbd n/a
Die Höhenschichtung der Lufthülle
========== Albums ==========
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
43149 n/a -- 1 10-5/8" x 8-1/4" 62
Erde und Weltall Stickers Abum
========== Other Stuff ==========
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
45858357 n/a -- 1 tbd n/a
Album w. Sticker Sheets