(TIE-lo-SAWR-us | 'Knob Lizard')

Type Species*: proriger

* Globally extinct life form (†), only the type species is displayed

Illustration of Tylosaurus
Dan Varner Paleo-life Art (c/o Oceans of Kansas Paleontology)
Illustration of Tylosaurus
Paleofauna: The Natural History Art of Car Buell

Tylosaurus Collectibles Gallery
Qty. Sets
Qty. Items

Abbeon Supply Company 1955-1957 Prehistoric Animals Porcelain-like Figurines - Information Card Inserts
American Museum of Natural History 1990's Souvenir Postcards
Aminfun Dinosaur Learning Cards
Antiquities Company 2006 Prehistoria Information Cards
Artgame 2017 Dinosaurs 3D Playing Cards
Artgame 2022 3D Dinosaur Fact Cards - Red Pack
Barsal Animales Prehistóricos Educational Cards - Series 3
Bar-Zim Mfg. Co. c.1955 All About Dinosaurs Magic Teacher Cards
Bollycao Los Autenticos Cromos de los Dinosaurios de Bollycao Stickers
Breygent Marketing 2015 Jurassic Domination Sketch Art Booklets
British American Tobacco 1925 Animaux Prehistoriques/Voorhistorishe Dieren Cards
British American Tobacco 1931 Prehistoric Animals Cards
Brooke Bond 1963 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals - Series No. 5 Cards (Canadian Edition)
Brooke Bond 1963 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals - Series No. 5 Cards (USA Edition)
Brooke Bond 1963 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals - Series No. 5 Proof Cards
Brooke Bond 1991 Dinosaur and Other Fossils Cards
Bruguera 1952 Album de Zoologia Stickers
Cadbury-Schweppes Foods Ltd. 1971 Age of the Dinosaur Cards
Card Collectors Society 2000 Edwards, Ringer & Bigg Prehistoric Animals Reprint Cards
Carolina Biological Supply Co. 1983 Monsters of the Mesozoic Game Cards
Chaillotine Prehistoric Animal Cards
Demaret Caramels c.1940 Prehistoric Animals Cards - Series of 25
Dinamation International 1995 PopSci for Kids: Dinosaurs of the Deep Cards
Dinosaur Land (White Post, VA) Souvenir Postcards
Editrice Imperia 1972 Scienze Stickers
Edizioni Zanetti 1972 Scienze Stickers
Educational Insights 1991 I.Q. Games - Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life Cards
Educational Reading Service 1970 Prehistoric Animals Flipout Book Cards
Edwards, Ringer & Bigg 1924 Prehistoric Animals Cards - A Series of 25
Euroflash Figurine Dinosaurien/Dinosauri Stickers
Fernand Nathan Animaux Prehistoriques Game Cards
Fosforera Espanola 1976 Prehistoric Animal Matchbox Covers
Frito Lay's Brand 1990 Prehistoric Sea Monsters - The Chicago Academy of Sciences Promo Cards
Gartmann 1925 Tiere der Vorwelt (Series 625)
Geo. Bassett & Co. 1979 Sweet Cigarettes Age of the Dinosaurs Picture Cards
Glenn Confections 1984 Wacky Wax Chewing Gum Cards (Green Background - 14204 Zip Code Edition)
Glenn Confections 1984 Wacky Wax Chewing Gum Cards (Green Background - 14207 Zip Code Edition)
Glenn Confections 1985 Wacky Wax Chewing Gum Cards (Blue Background Edition)
Golden Glow Sales Corp. 1959 Wonders of the Animal Kingdom Stickers
Hobby Trading Post 1963 Toy Model Advertising Cards (Nu-Card Reprint Series)
Ideal School Supply Company 1987 Dinosaur & Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Ideal School Supply Company 2000 Dinosaur & Prehistoric Animals Flash Cards
Kaiyodo 2002 Dinotales Insert Stickers (Series 3)
Kellogg's 1992 Cruncheroos Prehistoric Animals Stickers
Luminias Encyclopedic Dinosaur Game Cards - Giant Size
Luminias Encyclopedic Dinosaur Game Cards (English)
Luminias Encyclopedic Dinosaur Game Cards (Spanish)
Marvel Education Company 1985 Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals Teaching Pictures
Monsterwax 2015 Dinosaur Galaxy - Dino-motion Lenticular Cards
Nu-Card Sales 1961 Dinosaur Series Trading Cards
Panini 1992-1993 Dinosaurs Stickers
Pegasus Press 1996 Dino Jagd Game Cards
Price Stern Sloan 1987 The Undersea Dinosaur Action Set Paper Punchouts
Promotopia 2004 Dinomania Figurine Insert Stickers - Series 1
Random House c.1955 All About Dinosaurs Magic Teacher Cards
Reichardt Tiere der Urwelt von Wilhelm Reichardwerk Mini Paper Reprints
Reichardt 1902 Tiere der Urwelt Lithographs - Series 2
Reichardt 1907 Tiere der Urwelt Lithographs - Series 2a
Reichardt 1933 Tiere der Urwelt von Wilhelm Bolsche Reichardwerk Mini Card Reprints
Saurierpark Kleinwelka 1984-1986 B&W Post Cards
Schwager & Steinlein Dinosaurier Quiz Karten
Shogakukan 1979 Dinosaurs Korotan Cards
Star Pics, Inc. 1992 Dinamation Dino-Cards
Steve Jackson Games 1996 Dino Hunt Boxed Series Cards
Steve Jackson Games 1996 Dino Hunt Limited Edition Gold Border Series Cards
Tsukuda 1990 Dinosaur Game Cards
Upper Deck 2008-2009 Champ's Hockey Natural History Collection Insert Cards
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - Canvas Mini Cards
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - Canvas Mini Cards Extinction Red Parallel Set
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - Extinction Red Parallel Set
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - Predators of the Sea Shadow Box Cards
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - Sketch Cards (Double Card Panel)
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs - Sketch Cards (Triple Card Panel)
Upper Deck 2015 Dinosaurs Cards
Weekly Reader Books 1981 Illustrated Wildlife Treasury Cards - Prehistoric Life
Yale Peabody Museum Souvenir Postcards
Unidentified Nature - Fishes, Reptiles, & Amphibians Cards