This set of chocolate-related cards could be one of the most bizarre I have seen. It is not because of the “crude” drawling as those seem in line with c.1930’s paleoart but rather because many of the cards are so blatantly mislabeled. For examples, you have a bipedal, herbivorous dinosaur (i.e., Iguanodon) labeled as a Pterodactyl and then there are two obvious dinosaur cards (i.e., Triceratops and Stegosaurus) which are both labeled as mastodons. Poor editing? Language barrier? Who knows, but it is fairly certain that whoever put these together was not a “dinosaur fan”.
These 12 cards comprise 'Series K' of a 240 card set titled, 'Historia Natural'. There are a total of 20 different 12-card series as outlined below. Series 'I', 'S' through 'X', and 'Z' were never issued.
A = 'Peces, Moluscos y Crustaceos', B = 'Animales Feroces', C = 'Aves Exoticas', D = 'Lepidopteros', E = 'Reptiles', F = 'Aves', G = 'Fauna Artica', H = 'Pajaros', J = 'Insectos', K = 'Animales Prehistoricos', L = 'Peces Vistosos', LL = 'Animals Trepadores', M = 'Conchas Marinas', N = 'Animales de Monte', Ñ = 'Saltamontes y Grillos', O = 'Insectos Daninos de las Plantas', P = 'Libelulidos y Mosquitos', Q = 'Anfibios y Reptiles Pequenos', R = 'Agaros y Larvas', and Y = 'Cuadrupedos'