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Tiere der Perm-und Carbon-Zeit Cards - Series 58 (Issue 3543)

Date:  1928
Country:  Germany 

Set ID:  226
Product Type:  Shoe Polish

Advertised Qty:6
Extinct Life6

To be determined


These cards were promotional items for Erdal-Kwak brand shoe care products and were originally issued with coupon tabs attached on the left side of the cards as shown below.     The majority of these cards today are missing these tabs which may negatively affect their value.
It should be noted that some of these cards can be found with a red over-stamp on the backs of the cards (see samples below).  A rough translation of the text of the stamp is that the card is a sample image and that the real card will have the cut-off coupon tabs mentioned above.  The stamps cards are presumably  rarer than the regular cards with the tabs but I do not know if they command a premium from a collector's perspective.


========== Cards ==========
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
5892 Extinct Life 1 1 2-3/4" x 4-5/16" n/a Protophasma
Titanophasma & Protophasma
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
5893 Extinct Life 2 1 2-3/4" x 4-5/16" n/a Acanthodes
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
5894 Extinct Life 3 1 2-3/4" x 4-5/16" n/a Archegosaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
5895 Extinct Life 4 1 2-3/4" x 4-5/16" n/a Diplocaulus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
5896 Extinct Life 5 1 2-3/4" x 4-5/16" n/a Pareiasaurus
DB ID Topic In Scope? DF Collection? Printed No. Notes Qty Size (Inches) Album Pages Life Form
5897 Extinct Life 6 1 2-3/4" x 4-5/16" n/a Cynognathus