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An introduction to the Prehistoric Life Collectibles Digest along with some statistics regarding what information is available

The Extinct Life Pictorial Encyclopedia

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(i.e., the people who bring these extinct beasts back to life)

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Collectibles by Topic
"The collector is an artist in his own way, by the way he puts things together. You can read a person's soul from their collection."
Ayers Tarantino, Art and Antiques, Dec 2008

This section of The Dinosaur Fan presents sets by topic (a.k.a., subject) into which they fit. I define the term topic to mean the general subject or title of the sets (e.g., Extinct Life, Jurassic Park, Dinotopia, Walking with Dinosaurs). I created these topic groupings for summary and reporting purposes and have done my best to associate sets as logically as possible. However, many sets contain items with varying topics and therefore are included in the counts of multiple topic listings.

Current Collectibles Record Totals
Total Sets
Total Items
Total Images*
*Image total includes the fronts, backs, and third images of collectibles as applicable (e.g., album pages, inside of foldouts, figurines)

Top 25 Set Counts by Topic
TopicQty. of Sets
Extinct Life2,427
Sci-Fi & Fantasy190
Comic Art188
Jurassic Park184
History, Culture & Education123
Jurassic World75
Dinosaur (Disney Movie)63
The Flintstones51
King Kong46
Living Plants & Animals39
Monsters, Myths & Cryptozoology39
Garbage Pail Kids20
Devil Dinosaur19
Toy Story19
Barney & Friends17
Ice Age14
Dinosaurs (TV Show)12
Power Rangers12
Beanie Babies11
Dinosaur King11
Dinosaurs Attack!11
Top 25 Item Counts by Topic
TopicQty. of Items
Extinct Life61,677
History, Culture & Education15,310
Sci-Fi & Fantasy10,699
Comic Art7,780
Garbage Pail Kids6,762
Jurassic Park4,300
Jurassic World3,552
Living Plants & Animals2,808
Beanie Babies2,109
King Kong1,568
The Flintstones1,334
Dinosaur (Disney Movie)1,081
Power Rangers890
Monsters, Myths & Cryptozoology772
Dungeons & Dragons771
Dinosaurs (TV Show)608
Dinosaur King567
Ice Age510
Toy Story493