American Museum of Natural History Souvenir Postcards (Pre-1950)
British American Tobacco 1925 Animaux Prehistoriques/Voorhistorishe Dieren Cards
British American Tobacco 1931 Prehistoric Animals Cards
Card Collectors Society 2000 Edwards, Ringer & Bigg Prehistoric Animals Reprint Cards
Chocolates Diaz Animales Prehistoricos
Demaret Caramels c.1940 Prehistoric Animals Cards - Series of 25
Edwards, Ringer & Bigg 1924 Prehistoric Animals Cards - A Series of 25
Eigelb Tiere der Urzeit Cards (Series 112)
Gartmann 1912 Urtiere (Series 336)
Gartmann 1923 Urtiere (Series 546) - Bold Logo Font
J. S. Fry & Sons 1932 This Wonderful World Picture Stamps
Pedro Soler Animales Prehistoricos
Unidentified Prehistoric Animal Embossed Paper Cards