(WIL-yuhm-suhn-ee-ah | 'Williamson's (Plant)')

Type Species*: gigas

* Globally extinct life form (†), only the type species is displayed
Life Form ID: 1291

Illustration of Williamsonia by R. Bizley
Facebook (Bizley Art)

Williamsonia Collectibles Gallery
Qty. Sets
Qty. Items

Dover Publications 1983 Dinosaur Dioramas to Cut & Assemble Cards
Falken-Verlag 1990 Die Welt der Dinosaurier: Tiere und Landschafen zum Selbermachen Punchout Cards
Lutterworth Press 1992 The World of the Dinosaurs: Animals and Landscapes to Make Yourself Punchouts
Price Stern Sloan 1987 The Second Dinosaur Action Set Paper Punchouts
Susaeta 1993 Los Dinosaurios II Paper Cut-outs